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Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Scripture References: Joshua 2:1-24; 6:17-25; Matthew 1:5; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25
When They Lived: About 1406 B.C.
Name: Rahab [RAY-hab: broad"]
Historical Significances: Rahab trusted Israel's God and not only found personal deliverance when Jericho fell, but married an Israelite and produced a son who was in the line of David and Jesus Christ.


Rahab's relationship with God. Rahab had heard about God. Unlike others in Jericho, she chose to acknowledge and trust Him.c
Rahab's relationship with the Israelite spies. Through Rahab's conversation with these two spies, we discover how familiar the pagan nations of the Promised Land were with the story of the Israelites and the miracles performed by God on their behalf. Further, it's clear that the stories were believed to be entirely true, and that the citizens of the powerful city of Jericho were terrified when they learned that the Israelites were camped outside their city. It seems curious that this woman of ill repute was the only resident of Jericho whose heart was not hardened. Instead, she opened not only her home to the spies, but she opened her heart to the God they served and whom she in turn learned to serve.


From outward appearance, Rahab the harlot would seem the least likely person to be assimilated by God's chosen people. Yet we can infer much about her character as we examine this story closely. Rahab was a woman of strong courage as evidenced by her willingness to commit treason and help the enemy. When her king called her to bring out the spies who had been seen entering her inn, she said, "Yes, the men came to me, but i did not know where they were from. And it happened as the gate was being shut, when its dark, that the men went out. Where the men went I do not know; pursue them quickly, for you may overtake them" (Joshua2:4,5).

She was a woman devoted to her family. When she struck the deal to protect the spies, she asked for protection not just for herself but for her family as well. She apparently had some influence in her family; when she told them to come to her place, they showed up there. They trusted her judgment and put their lives in her hands. It seems obvious that Rahab was intelligent and quick-thinking. She used her savvy to protect herself and her family. Her leadership is evidenced by the way her family responded to her.


1. Rahab demonstrates that we don't have to be perfect for God to use us in significant. We do need to respond to Him in faith and with integrity. When we do, He will, as He did for Rahab, melt away the impurities of our character and mold us into the kind of women and men He would have us be.

2. God is free to use whom He will. We pass judgment on what we see, but we can only see the outward appearance. God also passes judgment on what He sees. But He sees inside and out--yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

3. Rahab reminds believers not to be judgmental. All have sinned, and but for God's grace, all would be doomed. God extends us His grace. We must extend His grace to others regarding not what people may seem to us, but what God may intend them to become.

Source: Women of the Bible

so today, my friend...when God is ready to use us..can we come to Him with integrity--that nothing in us that He will find just humility of our hearts before Him and willingness to surrender our all in all so He can freely work in us?

let's check ourselves before we look on a little blemish that our sister or brother has.


Have a lovely evening, everyone!



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