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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9 Lives Til Nine O'Clock

it's a long day for me today, i don't know why but it's just so slow..the temperature out there is still humid and i can't wait til i smell and feel the cooler breeze of fall. Just so you know we have 4 babies in the house (3 feline and 1 canine) i think they all feel the same way like i do they are tired and lazy and just out of sorts today ( : who wouldn't be--after like 3 or 4 hours of playing roughly lol we're glad to have Rocky our police dog, he is the one who plays of kinda adult to all of them whenever they play roughly Rocky is there to the rescue! arf arf (loud) at this point in time they are all resting and nesting--good for me though! and Rocky *-* lets see until hubbyteabear bring home some Ravioli

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