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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Excited to the Nth Power

hit the thrift stores, have some Dairy Queen waffle ice cream, walk Rocky at the park..wake me up before i do more dreaming!

yes this is my typical day when chubbyhubby is taking an off from work--but we are in a pretty tight situation--lets say financially. we kinda maxed out our only ONE credit card due to the expense we had when our truck died on us summer last year. so today we had one errand only and that's all. no thrifting,no food tripping, no strolling :(

but this is not the reason why i am excited..after talking to my sister's church mate Paul i got pretty excited. he is currently taking up Information Technology plus some Business in the Philippines. he knows i have a blog and we talked about that and other awesome blogs out there. he said he would help me i guess to develop my blog. i am so excited about it! can't wait to put my own online store. it will be made to help finance our everyday expenses because my husband is the only one that is working now. i don't want to put so much burden on him--he had enough (just bearing with me lol) but seriously i want to help him pay some of the mini expenses we have in the house plus i like to create things that muse me personally like handmade cuties.

soon is like tomorrow i guess--i want to start the site. but i need to pray about it first i guess..then make a feasibility study if it would work or not..would you like to be a part of it? yes you can by praying for me and my husband as we lay down the pros and cons of my mini online business, second by your encouragement--knowing that you support us in this endeavour make me grateful for you.


i thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and prayers.

please pray also that my little burned arm would heal up soon due to some baked porkchop cravings (:

Jesus, You can do great things with our little when we give it to you. I offer you all that I am and have for the purposes only you know. When You bring people with needs across my path, use me to touch them with your love and grace. And may it all bring You glory.

from Women's Friendship Devotional

Agape xoxo

1 comment:

EMMANUEL said...

welcome ate Ellen.. I will pray for you and for your online business also.. God bless!! :)

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